Donated by: Vitaliy Shtanko
Donated by: Vitaliy Shtanko
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Vitaliy Shtanko COR GENTIL RIFLETTE Oil on canvas 90 x 160 cm 105 x 175 cm (framed) 2022 “Between the lines of yesterday and today, In noble squares and streets, Exploring among the senses of a poem yet to be written, I felt the ceaseless beats, That mysterious Divine rhythm, Which the gentle Cor reflects. - Vitaliy Shtanko, D.M. Biography: Vitaliy Shtanko was born in 1979 in the Ukraine. He studied at Drogobych Art School from 1990-1994, then attended Lvov Academy where he studied classical drawing and painting until 1999. In 2000, Vitaliy moved to Florence with his family where he continued to study classical painting techniques with Daniel Graves at The Florence Academy of Art. After graduating from the Painting Program in 2010, Vitaliy was offered a position of Principal Instructor in the drawing and painting programs. Since 2001, Vitaliy has participated in numerous group exhibitions and solo shows in Italy and abroad. The main subject of his artwork is portraiture, however, he also enjoys still life and genre painting. * The Florence Academy of Art is a non-profit 501c3 entity. Donations are tax deductible in the United States.
A note from International Academy of Fine Art: The Florence Academy of Art is a branch of the International Academy of Art and provides fine arts training to students seeking to become painters and sculptors in the realistic tradition. The Academy is deeply grateful to the auctions’s patrons as proceeds will go to the scholarship fund to help talented students in financial need complete their studies.
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